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KPMG New Zealand

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Application Process & Interviews at KPMG New Zealand

8.3 rating for Recruitment, based on 20 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
One online assessment of various skills. 2 interviews. No assessment day.
Graduate, Auckland - 23 Jan 2023
It was a long awaiting process, I was stoked I had received an acceptance but made waiting very stressful.
Graduate, Auckland - 23 Jan 2023
The interview process was very good, it went smoothly and I felt that it was a very formal and effective way in getting to know the applicant.
Intern, Auckland - 20 Jan 2023
They were good, made you think during assessments. Then talk about work experience as well as hobbies outside of work. Also why great fit for role and company.
Graduate, Auckland - 19 Jan 2023
The interview process was a great experience, the psychometric testing I found difficult even though I had prepared for them. I thoroughly enjoyed my assessment day and had a lot of fun doing it.
Graduate, Auckland - 19 Jan 2023
After the application and abstract thinking tests, I was invited to attend a workshop where we would work through some accounting analysis and problem solving assignments with other applicants. As this was during covid it was all online and observed through video call. After the assignment there was a one on one interview with a number of company employees.
Graduate, Auckland - 19 Jan 2023
Very quick! Went from applying to job offer within 1 week. Interviews were very well organized, and I enjoyed the assessment day.
Graduate, Auckland - 19 Jan 2023
Dont remember much before assessment day, but the highlight is assessment day with a bunch of other grads followed by an interview with a manager.
Graduate, AKL - 19 Jan 2023
We had to apply online then following that we had an 'assessment day' followed by ann individual interview.
Graduate, Auckalnd - 19 Jan 2023
I had a relatively easy/difference hiring process. I applied late in the year around June. Got a phone call from Emma who was very engaging and nice. Offered me an interview. Went to the WLG office for the interview and met with a partner and manager, good interview they made me feel at ease and welcome. they spoke a lot on the work culture and its upsides, asked me some standard interview questions aswell. I had no assessments expect the pre interview online assessment.
Graduate, Wellington - 19 Jan 2023
Very good, once you get to the final interview you can tell that they are just looking for good people. Felt very comfortable etc.
Graduate, Wellington - 19 Jan 2023
psychometric testing - hard video recording video interview - virtual, two interviewers, relaxed environment
Graduate, Auckland - 19 Jan 2023
Interviews were good not too confronting/scary
Graduate, Wellington - 19 Jan 2023
Intensive but so worth it, made me feel at home
Graduate, Wellington - 19 Jan 2023
Good process, communicated throughout
Graduate, Auckland - 19 Jan 2023
N/A - came through a referral
Graduate, Auckland - 19 Jan 2023
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
1. Motivations. 2. Experience. 3. Interests. 4. Degree.
Graduate, Auckland - 23 Jan 2023
What is the reason that you want to work for KPMG?
Intern, Auckland - 20 Jan 2023
Past work experience, why great fit for the role and company
Graduate, Auckland - 19 Jan 2023
I was asked about describing a bad situation that I had experienced with working and how I resolved it, what I did to improve the situation.
Graduate, Auckland - 19 Jan 2023
What my strengths and weaknesses are, what it is I think an auditor does, and where I see myself in 5 years.
Graduate, Auckland - 19 Jan 2023
Questions were based on my degree and more on me as a person.
Graduate, Auckland - 19 Jan 2023
Mostly personal/character questions rather than technical/industry questions to see if i'm a good fit.
Graduate, AKL - 19 Jan 2023
Standard big 4 interview questions. Cannot remember the exact ones.
Graduate, Wellington - 19 Jan 2023
I was just asked questions about what I enjoyed doing in my free time. How I was enjoying uni etc. If I was interviewing for other firms.
Graduate, Wellington - 19 Jan 2023
Questions about overcomming challenges but also questions about how I like to relax like "Would you prefer a summer or winter holiday?"
Graduate, Auckland - 19 Jan 2023
Challenges I had faced
Graduate, Wellington - 19 Jan 2023
Good ones
Graduate, Wellington - 19 Jan 2023
Uni papers, behavioural questions, why the interest in the job.
Graduate, Auckland - 19 Jan 2023
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
Be your authentic self and be confident that you have what it takes.
Graduate, Auckland - 23 Jan 2023
Practice answering questions in an interview setting with family/close friends. Do research online about KPMG and the role they are applying for. Dress like you work at KPMG already. Get a goods night sleep, don't stress too hard over it. Don't be a robot, give authentic and genuine answers.
Graduate, Auckland - 23 Jan 2023
I definitely would recommend for the candidate to prepare themselves for the interview as how you answer the questions definitely does impact how the firm will see you and the image the interviewers will have about you following the interview,
Intern, Auckland - 20 Jan 2023
Research the company and division you're applying for
Graduate, Auckland - 19 Jan 2023
Practice answering questions in the STAR method, situation, task, action, result. Make sure you have questions for the person interviewing you, they like this!
Graduate, Auckland - 19 Jan 2023
The best way is through experience, interviewing with multiple companies and learning to become comfortable in those situations. Thinking ahead and having a clear grasp of what you want from the job and where you want it to take you helps you look like you know what you're doing.
Graduate, Auckland - 19 Jan 2023
Don't try to be someone you're not to try impress the interviewers. They want to know the real you.
Graduate, Auckland - 19 Jan 2023
Understand expectations - the company/interviewers knows grads have 0 experience with auditing so interviewees shouldn't prepare to be asked about technical questions. Rather - prepare to highlight willingness to learn/preparedness to work under pressure/acceptance of longer hours when needed/being a team player etc.
Graduate, AKL - 19 Jan 2023
Be calm and try not to be too stessed out about the whole process
Graduate, Auckalnd - 19 Jan 2023
Be yourself and honest in your career goals and future outlook
Graduate, Wellington - 19 Jan 2023
Just be themsewlves. Grades and results are not the be all and end all. As long as you show that you are comfortable and confident then you will do well.
Graduate, Wellington - 19 Jan 2023
Practice psychometric tests Speak from memory or improvise rather than notes in a video recording
Graduate, Auckland - 19 Jan 2023
Practice freestyling on random topics and being put on the spot
Graduate, Wellington - 19 Jan 2023
Keep calm and keep on keeping on.
Graduate, Wellington - 19 Jan 2023
Just be true to who you are, you want the job to fit you, not the other way around.
Graduate, Auckland - 19 Jan 2023