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Cyber at McGrathNicol

Cyber Security at Edith Cowan University (ECU)

There’s always some sort of basketball, political, or pop-culture drama to catch up on before diving into forensic analysis or troubleshooting.

8.30 AM

After navigating Perth’s super reliable public transport, I arrive at the office—8.30am sharp (I’m never late). I fill up my water bottle and check in with the team. There’s always some sort of basketball, political, or pop-culture drama to catch up on.

8.35 AM

I check my emails. There are usually a few quick tasks to tackle—maybe giving someone access to a platform or checking on the progress of an export. These easy wins are good for easing into the day while my brain is still waking up.

9.00 AM

Productivity (and caffeine) is flowing through my veins, it’s time to dive into my main project. This could be forensic analysis, troubleshooting, or report writing. Today, I’m setting up an infostealer malware (in a safe, controlled lab environment—don't worry) for a client awareness presentation.

10.30 AM

By this point it’s critical I grab something to eat, or I might starve. We sometimes have a morning tea to welcome new starters or celebrate milestones. This means free sausage rolls and sandwiches – Epic. Otherwise, I’ll settle for an apple and curb my disappointment by trying to convince myself I am the poster-boy for health.

11.30 AM

At this point, my focus has likely been interrupted by ad hoc tasks and, more importantly, the inevitable discussion of lunch. I try to wrap up my progress on my main project before shifting gears. Today, an extra laptop has been dropped off, so I need to image and wipe it for auction.

1.00 PM

Quick run to JB Hi-Fi to grab some backup hard drives, then I pick up my go-to Thai takeaway deal (two containers for $10 after 1.00 pm - thank me later). Lunch in the kitchen, a good chat with the team, then a short walk to soak up some sun.

2.00 PM

Fighting off the post-lunch drowsiness, I get back into my main task and push through.

4.15 PM

Time to collate findings and, if needed, draft an update email for the client or senior resource. Before heading out, I kick off any data copying or processing tasks so they can run overnight and be ready in the morning.

5.00 PM

Home time. Train, bus, quick snack, then off to the gym or pool to get some laps in.

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