Everything about the interview and assessment process was smooth
Graduate, Brisbane - 19 Jul 2024
I had a 3-stage interview process with initial screening, cognitive test and final interview
Graduate, Brisbane - 16 Jul 2024
The whole process is resume and application submission, online assessment, 1-minute recorded video self-introduction, assessment centre and panel interview.
A highlight of the assessment center is the team activity. No daunting group discussion or presentation. Instead, we were asked to build a Lego model together. It was fun.
Graduate, Brisbane - 16 Jul 2024
The interview process for graduates was multi-staged. We first went through an online test portion, then a group assessment centre, then a panel interview. After the group assessment centre and panel interview we had the chance to speak to some of the managers and directors that we would be working with, should we end up making it through the process. I thought this was a good way to break some tension during the process, as other applications tend to be more oblique.
The L&D team did a great job of keeping the centre and interview comfortable for the assesses.
One thing that I would have been interested in knowing (although, I admit that telling the interviewees defeats the purpose) is why certain tests were used, and what attributes or characteristics the L&D team were looking for in applicants. Mostly out of curiosity though.
Graduate, Brisbane - 16 Jul 2024
The hiring process is rigorous at QAO, with an online application, psychometric testing, online interview, assessment centre and final interview wrapping up the process.
Graduate, Brisbane - 15 Jul 2024
Recruitment was very straightforward and reasonable timelines
Process is as follows:
Online application and assessment
In person assessment centre
In person interview.
Graduate, Brisbane - 15 Jul 2024
It was a long process, started in April and found out that I got the job late July. There were about 5 steps in the process, a video, a personality test, a technical test, assessment centre and a panel interview and there wasn't a lot of lead up time before each step which made it difficult to organise time off from my current role. Usually about a weeks' notice.
Graduate, Brisbane - 11 Jul 2024
Application via Smart Jobs - Resume & Cover Letter Video Interview Recruitment Testing Assessment Centre Final Interview
Graduate, Brisbane - 03 Aug 2023
The interview process was long and required multiple separate assessments. Despite that it was primarily focused on people's character and ability to work together, rather than being heavy on technical questions and assessment.
Midlevel, Brisbane - 16 Mar 2023
Very standard graduate application process: - Submit resume and cover letter through Seek, - Basic video interview, - Psychometric Testing, - Assessment Centre, - Final interview. The assessment centre and final interview were in person (at the office), not via Teams unlike most other organisations.
Graduate, Brisbane - 09 Mar 2023
The process was very long but I'm glad I went through it. There were 5-6 stages with multiple interviews. It was very professional and friendly throughout the entire process.
Intern, Brisbane - 09 Mar 2023
We had an online application, online testing, pre-recorded interview, assessment centre and final interview.
Midlevel, Brisbane - 09 Mar 2023
There were 5 assessment stages with a very quick turn around between them. 1 - application, 2 - psychometric test, 3 - video interview, 4 - assessment centre, and 5 - panel interview.
Graduate, Brisbane - 08 Mar 2023
It is a somewhat lengthy process, including a mental assessment, single interview and a group interview, but even the interviewers appeared friendly and helpful to me (as it was apparent to them that every interviewee was nervous).
Graduate, Brisbane - 08 Mar 2023
The interview process involved an online interview, a group interview and an individual interview. The online interview asked general questions about the company and basic experience questions. The group interview involved psychometric testing, written responses to the company's values and how they related to personal experiences and group activities. The individual interview was a panel of senior auditors asking specific questions about how your personal experiences have prepared you for the role.
Graduate, Brisbane - 08 Mar 2023
The recruitment process involves several steps including psychometric testing, aptitude tests, an interview and a group problem solving session.
Graduate, Brisbane - 08 Mar 2023