Updating Results

Stratpoint Technologies

  • 100 - 500 employees

Culture at Stratpoint Technologies

8.9 rating for Culture, based on 16 reviews
Please describe your company's culture both in the office and after hours. Let us know about the structure and hierarchy, cooperation and teamwork, and socialising amongst colleagues.
I'm not really familiar with the culture of the company. But when I do work in the office, people that I meet seems to be friendly. In our team we frequently help each other resolve the request of the clients.
Graduate, Pasig - 23 Aug 2024
Very flexible with fun events
Graduate, Mandaluyong - 22 Aug 2024
During office hours: people respect the hours. people here are professional but are open to know them in a more personal level. They try to help when they can. After hours: I'm able to bond outside office hours with my team.
Graduate, Mandaluyong - 21 Aug 2024
In the office - It was okay. I was able to socialize with other HR employees. Cooperation and teamwork was felt. Structure and hierarchy were understood.
Graduate, Mandaluyong - 21 Aug 2024
The company's culture is hardworking in the office as well as happy after hours, there are a lot of times that I do interact with other Stratizens as well from different capabilities
Graduate, Mandaluyong - 08 Aug 2024
The meeting time per week is good because less means more work to do and more productivity. You can ask easily your seniors or mentors for advice regarding your training concerns or work concerns because they are accommodating. We meet occasionally regarding project updates, resources, etc.
Graduate, Mandaluyong - 08 Dec 2021
This company culture is great because you don't feel like your boss is just blindly telling you what to do, your boss knows exactly what needs to be done it's just assigned to you because your boss knows that you are capable of it.
Graduate, Paranaque - 08 Dec 2021
Learning and development inclined with weekly trainings and brownbag sessions. Encouraging to partake in trainings and certifications for employee development. Office events and activities are held often to boost morale and teamwork.
Graduate, Mandaluyong - 23 Aug 2021
People at Stratpoint encourage open collaboration and communication between team members, leaders, mentors, and mentees. Team meetings are casual, and everyone can voice out their comments and concerns. We regularly have ice breakers to socialize and learn more about our colleagues.
Graduate - 16 Aug 2021
Since it is a remote setup, online messaging makes it easy to communicate with others.
Midlevel, Mandaluyong - 12 Aug 2021
Based on what I saw, they do their best to help each other out; so that they can achieve their common goal.
Midlevel, Mandaluyong - 12 Aug 2021
They have tons of extra curricular activities such as game tournaments, sports and team building, They also do surveys every week to check if their employees are satisfied. If you want to expand your skills or learn something new they have this site called strat U which offers you different courses. There's workshop (like scrum) and other meetings that can help improve our personal life every month. Our company adapts the agile method in creating projects.
Graduate, Mandaluyong - 12 Aug 2021