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The University of Sydney Business School Career Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
Academic backing is important and it always helps. I thought that I should not mix up my passion and my academics. In such a situation, attending talks, seminars and meeting the people of the industry can be helpful.

Abhiir Bhalla

  • Graduate stories
Deloitte is full of some of the brightest minds, each with different skill sets which when combined creates a diverse and powerful team.

Adam Clark

  • Graduate stories
I would suggest the young pass outs to research and understand what the market demands. Figure out what interests you the most by exploring various fields. I would like to conclude by saying “ Don’t stop when you are tired, stop when you are done.”

Aditi Oza

  • Graduate stories
Just having a good degree is no longer enough to secure that all-important graduate offer in today's world. Getting work experience is an essential aspect of starting your career as a young graduate.

Akshat Sanghvi

  • Graduate stories
I am taught something different at work on a regular basis which makes my job interesting. My job can be very tiring sometimes, but consistent feedback from my manager and senior shows me that I am doing my job well.

Ananya Singh

  • Day in the life

Anika Nirmalathas

This morning, I’m going to update some internal ratings for customers, which is a measure of their risk profile and the likelihood of default.
  • Day in the life

Ankur Atri

Ankur Atri studied Mechanical Engineering at the University of Western Australia and is now a Consultant in Engineering, Asset Management & Project Delivery (Infrastructure, Assets and Places) at KPMG.
  • Graduate stories
Don’t get disheartened if you don’t get a job immediately after graduation. Do not have very high expectations from your first job, as it is more about the learning curve at that point in time.

Ashwini Shetty