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The University of Sydney Business School Career Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
The job is always interesting to me, as there could always be some new technology or a new situation that we need to respond to, which means that I’m rarely bored.

Ciara Crimmins

  • Graduate stories
It’s important to have a vision for your career, especially since you may feel somewhat lost in the first few years after university.

Cindy Ding

  • Day in the life

Claire Heffernan

In Customer Analytics we adopt an agile management approach, and these standups are our opportunity to provide transparency around how tasks are tracking and identify any issues or defects.
  • Graduate stories
The graduate program has been amazing, so far I am halfway through the program but have loved the opportunity to travel and learn more about the business and make friends with other grads within the company.

Claudia Gruber

  • Graduate stories
Through my time at APRA, I had the opportunities to work in different industries and positions.

Clement Peng

  • Graduate stories
"Yang saya rasain di Bibit tuh, saya masuk ke ekosistem yang sangat peka terhadap perkembangan finansial dan investasi terutama di Reksadana"

Clinton Samuel

  • Graduate stories
Always take on a new opportunity. Always say yes. Always be openminded. New experiences present important learning opportunities. You may find something that really motivates you to get out of bed each day.

Connor Hurley

  • Day in the life

Cooper Gervasoni

I begin my first task for the day, an example of a task that I have been working on recently is an Adobe Analytics Dashboard which tracks and analyses certain marketing content sent out by RACV.