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The University of Sydney Business School Career Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
Respect is a two-way street. If you want to get it, you must give it! It is not just about being polite and courteous in communications, there is a lot more to it.

Karthiyayini Jaykumar

  • Graduate stories
With a background in medical sciences, Kate Robertson may seem like an unlikely Credit Risk Analyst. But, since joining Macquarie’s Graduate Program in 2020, she’s found her skills to be a great fit for a career in financial services.

Kate Robertson

  • Graduate stories
We have the power to change designs based on changes in user behavior and trends, and I personally like that dynamic aspect of the job.

Kate Rustia

  • Day in the life

Katherine Dakkache

It’s the end of the day! I wrap up whatever I am working on and tidy my desk so it is clean for the next day. I have a quick catch-up with my supervisor and team members before I am off to the train station, but somehow I manage a quick elevator selfie because why not?
  • Graduate stories
I'm so pleased I was successful - the culture at BDO is amazing and in my five months since starting I've felt so supported.

Keira Clark

  • Graduate stories
"Kalau dari pengalamanku bekerja di Flip.id ini sangat jarang menuntut kita untuk bekerja sampai larut malam, jadi sangat work-life balanced"

Kemal Ardiansyah

  • Graduate stories
"My teammates have backgrounds working abroad for major tech companies, so I get exposure to best practices while working at Home Credits"

Kenneth Probadora

  • Graduate stories
Menurutku, dengan kita bisa tetap open-minded, kita bisa dengan mudah untuk nantinya beradaptsi ketika kita ditempatkan di placement yang berbeda-beda

Kevin Fajar Riyadi