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The University of Sydney Business School Career Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
"I'm so happy to get this oppportunity karena level pede ku naik di dunia Data Analyst ini, selain itu work culture dan people (terutama tim aku) disini supportive dan asik banget."

Luis Tanoto

  • Graduate stories
Luke Kelly graduated with a Bachelor of Design and Computing at Queensland University of Sydney and is now a Graduate Experience Designer at ANZ

Luke Kelly

  • Graduate stories
"Kita sebagai anak magang yang awam di dunia perbankan akan sangat dibantu oleh mentor atau atasan di CIMB Niaga yang berkaitan dengan pekerjaan aku"

Lulu Qisthina Putri

  • Graduate stories
"Work-life balance di BI sangat bisa dirasakan karena aku bekerja dari jam 8-5 sore, bagitu juga dengan workload nya tidak terlalu berat"

M Rasyad Caesarardhi

  • Graduate stories
“Rasanya seperti kerja sambil liburan. Banyak daerah yang bisa saya kunjungi yang sebelumnya belum pernah saya datang.”

M. Ridho Prasetyo

  • Day in the life

Maddi Ronksley

My day usually starts with an email check to run through anything I missed overnight or from earlier in the morning.
  • Graduate stories
There’s nothing more rewarding other than knowing that your team entrusted their full confidence on you, supporting you with the decisions you make with the security that those decisions will bear positive impact on them.

Madel Abu

  • Graduate stories
The graduate program set me up for my current role as it taught me how to get out of my comfort zone and try new things.

Madeleine Barry