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The University of Sydney Business School Career Directory Profiles

Showing 545 items

  • Graduate stories
“Hal paling penting bukanlah kita menjadi orang yang paling tahu atau paling pintar, tapi bagaimana kita bisa mempresentasikan diri kita hingga orang-orang pun mengenal kita dan tahu bahwa kita punya knowledge dan potensi.”

Michael Sujantio

  • Graduate stories
Be more sociable. Join clubs. Having good connections goes a long way.

Miguel Faustino

  • Day in the life

Mikayla Calder

Mikayla Calder studied a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) and is a finance graduate at Coles.
  • Day in the life

Mikee Joy Carodan

Mikee Joy Carodan studied Bachelor of Science in Business Administration - Financial Management and is now a licensed Financial Advisor at Sun LIfe of Canada (Philippines).
  • Graduate stories
In my first 2 months I had the opportunity to be a part of a social incubator program tackling issues of social inequity, in particular homelessness.

Miki Takashiba

  • Graduate stories
"Jangan FOMO atau kemakan gengsi, karena apapun pengalamanmu, itu gak akan pernah kedaluwarsa"

Mita Azizah Prameswari

  • Graduate stories
A great aspect of the graduate program is the ability to liaise with graduates from other service lines within Hood Sweeney.

Mitchell Tucker

  • Graduate stories
I'm loving the division I'm working in and as a global organisation, there are so many opportunities. I can see myself here for a while – Macquarie supports us to shape our own career path, which could really take me anywhere!

Monique Bishop