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The University of Sydney Business School Career Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories

Ayesha Hiyaregamage

  • Graduate stories
“Marketing bukan hanya bagaimana kita bisa menjual suatu produk namun juga bagaimana kita bisa berkomunikasi dengan baik”

Ayu Widya Putri

  • Graduate stories
I would like to suggest to students that they look out for their interests and keep searching for them till the time they do succeed. Once they are sure of their interests, they should try to let go of the stipend and place their primary focus on gaining all the experience that they could.

Ayush Kumar

  • Graduate stories
Internships are an incredible learning journey. It helps you prepare for your professional career. They are beneficial for brushing up your hard skills and soft skills like communication, presentation, and analytical skills.

Ayush Kumar Agarwal

  • Graduate stories
love to hear our customers talk about their businesses and give us a tour of their facilities. This allows us to build a valuable relationship so that we can best meet their needs and assist their business to grow.

Basma Firas

  • Day in the life

Belinda Hardiman

Belinda Hardiman completed a Bachelor of Communication Design & Bachelor of Business (Marketing) at Monash University and is now a Digital Graduate at Coles.
  • Day in the life

Ben Le Nepveu

Tuesdays are great days for collaboration, it’s one of the days where you get the most people in the office at the same time and can collaborate in person as opposed to over MS teams which I certainly prefer.
  • Graduate stories

Ben Wilson